Update on 'Breach of Covenant' by Neely Farms:
(Note: emphasis added Below by blog author)
Barbara Dingler, Newton County Tax Commissioner writes:
Neely Farms Family Limited Partnership, LLLP filed an application 12/20/2011
with the Tax Assessors office for Conservation Use property as Bona Fide
Agricultural Property O.C.G.A. 48-5-7.1 / 48-5-7.4 which is an covenant signed
by the owners to maintain the property in bona fide agricultural usage for a
period of at least ten years. The application was recorded in the Clerk of
Superior Court in Book 3027 Pg: 467-468 for property known as map and parcel
00050-00000-001-B00, 71.74ac beginning Jan. 1, 2012 and Ending Dec. 31, 2021.
The second property known as 00050-00000-001-000, 63.75ac was recorded in the
Clerk of Superior Court in Book 3027 page 465-466, beginning Jan 1, 12 and
ending Dec. 31,2021. Both of these tracts of property were in renewal covenants
from previous years of ownership.
to your question on what caused the tax commissioner to send the additional
billing on the property, On August 25, 2015, I generated what is called a NOD
(Not on Digest) for a Breach of Covenant and payment was made on August 31,
2015. The Breach of Covenant was generated due to the Tax Assessors notified me
that a upcoming sale of the properties would constitute a Breach of covenant and
the new owners would not be able to do an continuance or qualify for the
agricultural usage.
a Breach would be assessed and the penalty would be collected by the closing
attorney at the time of sale.
Commissioner, Newton
Usher Street Suite 101
1) RE: ‘Letter of Intent’ from James F Neely, Jr, Managing partner of Neely Farms Family Limited Partnership LLC.
Minor error in his submission, in that the 2 Tax Parcels acreage are reversed.
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-000 is listed at 71.74 acres
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-B00 is listed at 63.75 acres
County Tax Records reflect that the acreage is reversed, the top one should be 63.75 acres and the 2nd one should be 71.74 acres. Not a real big deal, but wrong.
2) The 2015 Tax bills for Neely Farms Family Limited Partnership LLLP show 2 tax bills each as below. The smaller first Tax Bill then a second flagged as “Breach of Covenant”, I’ll let you take your best guess at that, probably when sold it put the land into a different tax rate. Here is the info FYI:
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-000
$449.07 then 2nd bill, the Breach of Covenant at $2,658.75
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-B00
$461.44 then 2nd bill, the Breach of Covenant at $3,250.64
The 2016 Tax Notices are in the name of:
Al Maad Al Islami Inc, 2674 Woodwin Rd, Doraville, Ga 30360
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-000 $2,888.10
Tax Parcel 00500-00000-001-B00 $3,250.64
Note: This info is from: http://newtoncountytax.com/Taxes/default.aspx
If you want to see all 6 of the referenced tax bills they are available on this site at the very end of the thread. Use this direct link to see them: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=1633944807413020902#editor/target=post;postID=8197777612026010733;onPublishedMenu=template;onClosedMenu=template;postNum=12;src=postname
------------------------------MAKES GOOD SENSE TO DELAY THE MATTER
The incoming 2017 Newton County Board of Commissioners will
have at least 2 new Board members as of next January, with John Douglas of
District 1, not running again and being replaced on the Board by Stan Edwards Jr. (edwards_stan@bellsouth.net).
Of 6 elected County officials, 2 serving Republican members
will be replaced by 2 other Republicans and the Chairman position remains to be
decided in the November County election.
It isn't unreasonable to have an important zoning issue delayed until it can be considered by a reconfigured Board and perhaps a new Chairman.
There will be the predictable howls of phoney outrage by
aggrieved the Muslim applicant, but the delay is quite reasonable and an
intervention by the DOJ is unlikely.
Seems like a decent idea, particularly when you consider that there is the issue of that fraudulent 'Letter of Intent' by Mr. Neely where it was claimed that the site was to be used for a church when it was NOT. Someone needs to explain why the lie was needed.
For those not familiar with the area -
here are a few photos from Google Earth, best to go there yourself and take a look, much better views than these few screen shots.
This is the entrance to the Avery Place Subdivision which is just across Hwy #162 from the Mosque land. Homes there are in the 125-130K range. Despite claims by Managing Partner Mr. James Neely of Neely Farms Family Limited Partnership no trace can be found for anything called "Avery Community Church and Cemetery", thus making his earlier 'Letter of Intent' appear bogus with an attempt to mislead the County.
Running across the middle of the below is Hwy 162, leading off that to the top of the photo is County Line Road W. Note that the U shaped building is the County Line Baptist Church and you can see existing grave yards on both sides of 162.
Better view of the County Line Baptist Church
At the top of the below photo is County Line Road W, on the left side is Hwy 162 and you can see the County Line Baptist Church where the roads intersect, a bit further down and on the left you see part of the Avery Place Subdivision and Avery Drive leading into it.
Obviously the big green part which takes up the rest of the photo is most of the 135.5 acres the Mosque now owns.
From the Georgia Corporations Division:
And here is notice of a name and officer change effective 6/21/16. The LLC is now known as 'Neely Management Company, LLC' with Sandra Neely Bowden as President.
The current Mosque is located at: 2674 Woodwin Road, Doraville, GA 30360
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Everyone has own respect for their religions and we are no one to pass comments on them. Neither listens to them. Preach what your religion says, not people.