A couple of years ago I set up the below blog site to inform metro Atlanta about a Covington/Newton County issue regarding a large land purchase for a Mosque.
It was very controversial, for now it is just below the surface, waiting for the next action by the Mosque.
The blog site has moved on to other aspects of Islam, Mosques and hate groups.
It still gets some minor look ins from the metro Atlanta area but seems to have caught on in various overseas Islamic centers, both in Pakiastan and in Mecca (Saudi Arabia).
You can take a look at the site at: http://almaadalislami.blogspot.com/ and if you want info on the very heated issue of the Mosque in Kennesaw you can see that info at: http://suffadawa.blogspot.com/ and the resulting civil suit against the City of Kennesaw at: http://suffadawatsuit.blogspot.com/
ATLANTA -- A disgraced journalist in Missouri is behind bars for making at least eight bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the country.
The Jewish Community Center Association of America says that, this year, there have already been more than 100 of those threats. The Southern Poverty Law Center says it is tracking a near-record high surge in the number of hate groups in the United States – and Georgia is in the top 10 of that list.
What you're seeing here is something the SPLC calls the “Hate Map.” it's used to track hate groups across the country. Georgia is up to 917 nearing the all-time high. The SPLC says there is a dramatic swell that started during the presidential campaign.
Click below to see the full map
The III% Security Force is an armed militia in Georgia willing to publicly display its weapons to show its support for President Donald Trump and its opposition to a Muslim group trying to build a mosque in Covington.
It is one of 32 organizations in Georgia the SPLC calls a hate group.
"We are within 100 groups of the all-time high number of hate groups in 30 years of counting," SPLC Senior Fellow Mark Potok said.
It is one of 32 organizations in Georgia the SPLC calls a hate group.
"We are within 100 groups of the all-time high number of hate groups in 30 years of counting," SPLC Senior Fellow Mark Potok said.
The KKK, skinheads, Neo-Nazis, black supremacists, and anti-Muslim groups are helping to rank Georgia ninth on that national list.
"Georgia obviously was long a part of the deep south and there is a kind of legacy that comes with that and we tend to see a lot of groups as a result," Potok said.
He has been documenting what he calls an explosive rise in the number of hate groups that have occurred since the turn of the century and are swelling once again.
"I think the wisdom of really tracking these groups has come to the fore in the last year or so as we have seen really a kind of tremendous surge on the radical right," he said.
Potok says a rise in right wing extremist groups isn't indicative of the overall problem.
"That understates the size of the radical right because, in fact, so many people don't join these groups now even while they are in a sense a part of the movement."
Potok points to Dylann Roof, the man behind the South Carolina massacre at an all-black church in Charleston. He says a major shift in our population can help to explain the increase in hate groups and extremists.
"Ultimately, in the next 10 or 20 years, we'll come out the other end."
Potok says it’s interesting to note that here in metro Atlanta, especially, there is a high number of black supremacist groups like the New Black Panther party and the Nation of Islam. We did reach out to some of the groups in this story before it aired, but they have not yet responded.
(© 2017 WXIA)
Mosque controversy was top story in Newton
Newton County commissioners said they were caught off guard in August when the county’s Development Services Department issued an administrative approval for plans by the Masjid-At-Taqwa Mosque in Doraville to develop a mosque, burial facility, and cemetery, with later plans for a school and residential neighborhood, on 135 acres on Ga. Highway 162. The county’s zoning ordinance allows houses of worship in all zoning districts, so no public hearing or approval were needed from the Board of Commissioners.
A large number of residents expressed fear and alarm about the development which, in turn, drew support for the mosque from within the community and from around the state.
In response, commissioners enacted a five-week moratorium on development of houses of worship in order to give Development Services time to review zoning provisions and the current trends for places of worship.
During the five-week period, commissioners held public hearings that drew hundreds of people — speaking both for and against — the mosque. A militia group protested on the downtown Covington Square, and others held signs of support for the mosque. There were threats of litigation against the county by the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the U.S. Department of Justice. A media firestorm brewed, drawing dozens of TV cameras and out-of-town media representatives.
When the dust had settled, the moratorium that stalled the mosque expired with one tangible result: an ordinance that will require a public hearing process for commercial and public assembly developments of 10 acres or larger was approved by the Newton County Board of Commissioners.
Note: The above is part of a longer article which addresses other issues and is not relevant to the Mosque issue so that part of the article is redacted.
Comment: Henry Stamm The stupidity of our local government is clearly exposed in this article and the attempt to justify and protect the officials is also clear. The crooked sale and secrete planning of the terrorist camp was intentionally not mentioned. Shame! Also the conning and prohibition of using the convenience facilities by the public even so we, the taxpayers, are paying for it is downplayed here. So Sad.

BERNARDS TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Mohammad Ali Chaudry, a retired financial officer, has lived in this prosperous town for 40 years. It is where he raised his three children and where he served as mayor, and before that, as a member of the school board. It was also where Mr. Chaudry, an observant Muslim, always wanted to pray.
But Mr. Chaudry and some 70 fellow Muslims have been stymied for years in their quest to build a mosque on a four-acre plot of land in Basking Ridge, a genteel community here that is as proud of its old oak trees as its old homes. A year ago, after 39 public hearings in which local officials and residents picked apart every aspect of the proposed mosque, the planning board rejected the proposal, citing issues like storm water management and pedestrian safety in the parking lot.
Now, the federal Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Bernards Township, arguing that its decision violated federal law and discriminated against the applicants purely because of their Muslim faith. The complaint, filed last month, follows a lawsuit brought by Mr. Chaudry’s Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, which has been subjected to anti-Muslim fliers and social media posts and even vandalism.
During the protracted application process, someone stomped on the group’s mailbox and later superimposed “ISIS” over the society’s initials on the mailbox. “This was unprecedented,” said Mr. Chaudry, the society’s president, who holds a Ph.D. in economics from Tufts University and teaches a course at Rutgers University on Islam. “No other house of worship in the township’s history had ever been treated the way we were.”
Across the country, more and more towns have used local zoning laws as barriers to new mosques and Islamic schools, underscoring what civil rights advocates say is a growing wave of intolerance that has been amplified by the victory of President-elect Donald J. Trump. In response, the federal government has been increasingly turning to the courts, using a law passed unanimously by Congress in 2000 that prohibits municipalities from discriminating against religions in land-use decisions or treating religious groups differently than secular ones.
While the law, with the arcane name Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, was intended to protect all religious faiths, 11 of the last 13 cases brought by the Justice Department — including three in the last month — have involved Muslims.
“The law, by its very nature, deals with particularly vulnerable populations,” said Mark Goldfeder, a senior lecturer at Emory University’s School of Law and a senior fellow at the university’s Center for the Study of Law and Religion. “It’s so easy for towns to hide discrimination behind layers of land-use procedure.”
But Muslim advocates and experts on religious freedom worry that Mr. Trump’s impending inauguration leaves the future of the powerful religious freedom law in doubt. The man the president-elect has nominated to lead the Justice Department, Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, has endorsed Mr. Trump’s call for a temporary ban on immigration from Muslim countries.
As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, Mr. Sessions might be less sympathetic to pursuing investigations involving the rights of Muslims. There are now 13 open land-use investigations under the law, though a spokesman for the department declined to say how many of those involved mosques.
Ross K. Baker, a distinguished professor of political science at Rutgers who has studied the federal law, said it was “entirely possible” Mr. Sessions could choose to dial back on the investigations. “It is within the province of the attorney general-designate to decide whether to proceed with a lawsuit,” he said.

Another recent case brought by the department involved a proposed mosque in Virginia. The lawsuit argued that Culpeper County violated the religious land-use law in denying a sewage permit application. The complaint noted that since 1992, the county had considered 26 applications and never before denied such a permit to either a commercial or religious group.
In a speech this month at a Virginia mosque, Loretta E. Lynch, United States the attorney general, talked about the department’s response to a surge in hate crimes, highlighting enforcement of the land-use law. “Members of the Civil Rights Division have heard repeatedly about more overt discrimination in both the tone and framing of objections to planned religious institutions, especially mosques and Islamic centers,” said Ms. Lynch, who sent a letter to state and local officials on Thursday reminding them of the law and their obligation to respect religious freedom.
In the case of Bernards Township, the Islamic Society bought land that was in a zone that permitted a house of worship. Raising money from various sources, Mr. Chaudry oversaw the purchase of four acres, aware that the zoning code required at least three acres for a house of worship.
The society hired an architect who took pains to design a mosque that would blend in with the neighborhood, where a fire station stands across the street from the site. The 4,400-square-foot mosque, the size of a large house, would forgo the traditional dome and would include minarets that mimic the chimneys on neighboring houses.
“The mosque proposal met with vociferous public opposition,” the Justice Department wrote in its recent complaint. “Fliers, social media and websites denounced the mosque and were filled with anti-Muslim bigotry and references to terrorism and the 9/11 attacks.”
The federal lawsuit concluded that the planning board had used different requirements in denying the society’s application than it “had in evaluating previous applications.”
The language in the society’s own lawsuit was more blunt: “What should have been a simple board approval for a permitted use devolved into a Kafkaesque process that spanned an unprecedented four years.”
Nearly three dozen religious, legal and civil rights groups have supported the society’s lawsuit by signing amicus briefs, said the society’s lawyer, Adeel A. Mangi, of the firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler.
Bernards Township officials deny that the applicants’ faith played any role in their decision. The mayor, Carol Bianchi, declined to respond to the allegations. But a statement by the township after the Justice Department filed its lawsuit asserted that the planning board’s denial was based on “legitimate land-use and safety concerns which plaintiffs refused, and to this day, refuse to address.”
The township’s most forceful response was reserved for the Justice Department, which it accused of a conflict of interest because one of its investigators served on the same board at Drew University’s Center for Religious and Cultural Conflicts as Mr. Chaudry. The township also claimed that the department’s communication with the Islamic Society before bringing the federal complaint suggested an “inappropriate collusion.”

The United States attorney for New Jersey, Paul J. Fishman, a Democrat, looked into the township’s allegations and declared them baseless.
In July, the Justice Department released a report on its enforcement of the federal law since 2010, which detailed the growing proportion of cases involving mosques. It also found that while 84 percent of non-Muslim investigations were resolved without a lawsuit, only a fifth of cases involving Islamic institutions were similarly resolved.
In Bernards Township, much of the initial resistance to the proposed mosque centered on parking. According to the federal complaint, the local ordinance required 50 parking spaces for houses of worship based on a 3-to-1 standard ratio, or an average of three people arriving in one car. But a traffic engineer enlisted by opponents of the mosque recommended 107 spaces.
The planning board insisted the mosque meet that goal, which, in turn, raised new issues, like visual impacts and storm water runoff. The society’s complaint stated that applicants “dutifully revised their site plan and brought back professionals to testify time and again, only to find that the board had generated yet more requirements.” Mr. Fishman said the township “kept moving the goal posts.”
For Mr. Chaudry and other members of the society, the lack of a mosque has made worshiping difficult. The nearest mosque is 25 minutes away. Members have rented a local community center for Friday prayers, lugging in prayer rugs and audio equipment. But the center is unavailable in the summer so they pray in a public park. And the absence of a mosque has prevented the society from attracting a full-time imam.
During public hearings, some residents made anti-Muslim remarks, but town officials mostly restricted their comments to land-use questions. But in a trove of emails unearthed by the Justice Department investigation, and recently shown to the Islamic Society, the same officials shared their personal views of Muslims.
In one email, a member of the township committee, John Malay, wrote, “As a religion, Islam owes its source of influence to a tradition from Day 1 of forced conversion through violent means.”
In an email chain, members of the committee and planning board discussed ways to exclude Mr. Chaudry from a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony in honor of town residents who died in the terrorist attack. “Let’s make it happen without that fool,” John Carpenter, a township committee member, said.
Mr. Chaudry is active in local groups like the Rotary Club and statewide committees promoting interfaith understanding. In 2013, Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, appointed him to the New Jersey Commission on National and Community Service. He also serves on the state attorney general’s Outreach Committee for the Muslim Community and the Interfaith Advisory Council of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.
Outside the Dutch colonial on Church Street that serves as the society’s offices and where, members hope, a new mosque will one day stand, signs of patriotism abound. A sign amid American flags of various sizes proclaims, “Proud to Be an American.”
“We feel everybody should know that we are American,” Mr. Chaudry said.
Not really relevant to the Newton County issue, but of some interest, here is one email to Mosque members for the Kennesaw Masjid showing what such Muslim institutions do over and above simply having a facility for prayer. Additional info on this Kennesaw mosque is at: http://suffadawa.blogspot.com/
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Information on a Mosque issue in Culpepper, Va. can be found at:
By David Dodt, November 20
Okay, I’m going to tell you about Islam and how Mohammad created this religion by copying and modifying an existing religion that was in the region where he lived. You can find this if you hit the books yourself.
First, start by looking up ancient Gods of the Middle East. You can do this by online or go to your public library, like I did. You will get a list of these Gods like Ra, Karnack, Ball, Ishtar and Isis for example.
You will go down the list and you will see Allah (The Moon God.) Now you look up the Moon God Allah. Then you will find every ritual that Islam uses are the same. The Holy sites are also the same, Mecca.
Let’s go over a few. Example:
(1) Bowing to the East. The Moon God worshipers do this to pay homage to the wife of the Moon God, as she rises in the morning, The Sun God.
(2) They must travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime to the Holy City of Mecca. So do Islamists.
(3) They must do this between the fazes of the moon. So do the Islamists and it’s called Ramadan.
(4) Once their, they walk several times around the big square stone structure that has a large drape over it. So do Islamists.
(5) A meteor fell to the earth and someone saw it and it was retrieved and brought to Mecca. It must be a gift from the Moon God. So as it is a gift from the Moon God you must kiss the meteor, this also is the same for the Islamist. Then you are expected to throw a rock at the evil Jinn. (the Trickster Demon) That is where we get the word Genie from.
Now the cymbal of the Moon God is the Crescent Moon or the Crescent Moon with an off set star. You see these in the flags of Turkey, Pakistan or on the tops of Mosques. The star is the Son of the Moon God. All the other stars are Allah’s daughters.
Did Mohammad live in an area where the Moon God was worshiped?
YES. In fact his father and Grandfather both had Allah in their very long names. Allah was worshipped 700 years before Mohammad was born. It was found, being worshiped, as far east as Babylon and as far north as Syria.
Now slavery was well known in that part of the world as well as the world in general. So if you opposed Mohammad you were killed or you converted to Islam. That is why, on the Saudi Arabian flag they have the words of Mohammad saying, “There is no God but Allah with a sword at the bottom of that quote.
So Mohammad the general and religious leader led a military campaign of death and terror against any other religion in the area. One area was against two Jewish Cities. These cities were prepared to repel Mohammad and his army. So seeing he would lose a lot of his army fighting these two cities decided to negotiate a treaty with them.
The people in the cities were delighted that there would be no war. As they were holding a feast of peace, Mohammad and his army, attacked and took the cities.
Mohammad kept two Jewish women as his own sex slaves.
Islam, to this day, still believes in the whole sex slave idea. Now you understand why the Israeli government is reluctant to cut a deal with Islam.
So Mohammad is a violent, distrustful, schizophrenic pedophile.
Why pedophile you may ask? Because his forth wife was only six years old. Her name was Aisha. It must have been hard to get a virgin back in the day. But it is said that he did not have full sexual relations with her until she was nine years old.
Saudi Arabia had the same rule for marrying but they have now risen the age to ten years old. So has Iran. —
with Kevin Hoyle.

First, start by looking up ancient Gods of the Middle East. You can do this by online or go to your public library, like I did. You will get a list of these Gods like Ra, Karnack, Ball, Ishtar and Isis for example.
You will go down the list and you will see Allah (The Moon God.) Now you look up the Moon God Allah. Then you will find every ritual that Islam uses are the same. The Holy sites are also the same, Mecca.
Let’s go over a few. Example:
(1) Bowing to the East. The Moon God worshipers do this to pay homage to the wife of the Moon God, as she rises in the morning, The Sun God.
(2) They must travel to Mecca at least once in their lifetime to the Holy City of Mecca. So do Islamists.
(3) They must do this between the fazes of the moon. So do the Islamists and it’s called Ramadan.
(4) Once their, they walk several times around the big square stone structure that has a large drape over it. So do Islamists.
(5) A meteor fell to the earth and someone saw it and it was retrieved and brought to Mecca. It must be a gift from the Moon God. So as it is a gift from the Moon God you must kiss the meteor, this also is the same for the Islamist. Then you are expected to throw a rock at the evil Jinn. (the Trickster Demon) That is where we get the word Genie from.
Now the cymbal of the Moon God is the Crescent Moon or the Crescent Moon with an off set star. You see these in the flags of Turkey, Pakistan or on the tops of Mosques. The star is the Son of the Moon God. All the other stars are Allah’s daughters.
Did Mohammad live in an area where the Moon God was worshiped?
YES. In fact his father and Grandfather both had Allah in their very long names. Allah was worshipped 700 years before Mohammad was born. It was found, being worshiped, as far east as Babylon and as far north as Syria.
Now slavery was well known in that part of the world as well as the world in general. So if you opposed Mohammad you were killed or you converted to Islam. That is why, on the Saudi Arabian flag they have the words of Mohammad saying, “There is no God but Allah with a sword at the bottom of that quote.
So Mohammad the general and religious leader led a military campaign of death and terror against any other religion in the area. One area was against two Jewish Cities. These cities were prepared to repel Mohammad and his army. So seeing he would lose a lot of his army fighting these two cities decided to negotiate a treaty with them.
The people in the cities were delighted that there would be no war. As they were holding a feast of peace, Mohammad and his army, attacked and took the cities.
Mohammad kept two Jewish women as his own sex slaves.
Islam, to this day, still believes in the whole sex slave idea. Now you understand why the Israeli government is reluctant to cut a deal with Islam.
So Mohammad is a violent, distrustful, schizophrenic pedophile.
Why pedophile you may ask? Because his forth wife was only six years old. Her name was Aisha. It must have been hard to get a virgin back in the day. But it is said that he did not have full sexual relations with her until she was nine years old.
Saudi Arabia had the same rule for marrying but they have now risen the age to ten years old. So has Iran. —
with Kevin Hoyle.
NOTE: This blog continues
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